Thursday, April 5, 2012

Forget Student Debt…Say Hello To Distance Learning

I have blogged from time to time about distance learning.  If you have read any of my blogs, then you know that I am an avid supporter of distance learning and, to be honest, I would never consider attending a brick and mortar college after my experiences with the Excelsior distance learning program.

You see, I earned my RN degree through Excelsior’s program.  By doing this, I managed to graduate in six months…and I did it debt free (no student loans, nada!).  I never had any problem taking the boards, or finding a job…in fact, I found my experience to be very similar in contrast to many of my nurse friends and colleagues who chose to attend traditional nursing schools.

Knowing this makes reading stories like this especially worrysome.  Seeing these young people and couples in debt from 60k to 180k just from financing their education reminds me what a blessing distance learning was for me and how many other people could potentially benefit from this type of approach to education.

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